Campus Adventures

July 22-26, 2024

Campus Adventures summer program sparks the creative and inquiring spirit of rising first graders through seventh graders.

“My son, who is a tough one to please, hands-down has declared Campus Adventures his favorite of all time, says Carolyn Ashworth whose son attended Campus Adventures for many years. “Campus Adventures introduces them to these new passions and interest areas in a friendly, experiential way. They have so much fun they barely realize that what they are doing is educational.”

We have some new classes this summer (along with the old favorites). Campers will select classes for the morning session, and then rotate through stations in the afternoon. They will also play in the creek each day!

For those students who have aged out of the summer camp, there is a teaching assistantship option. Rising eighth through twelfth grade students assist Camp Director Beth Banks with behind-the-scenes work. Assistants gain leadership skills while helping younger campers get the most out of camp.

“I heard so many kids over the years saying they were sad they wouldn’t be able to come back to the camp next year, so I developed the leadership program for them,” says Camp Director Beth Banks. She has worked with Campus Adventures for 26 years, having served as the Director for the past 13 years.

Registration will begin on May 1. Tuition is $200 per camper and $75 for TAs. For more information, click the link above or contact Beth Banks at  You can also get updates on our camp Facebook page:




College For Undergraduate Teaching


College in the South


Average Class Size