Believe In Your Abilities

Accessibility & Disability Services

Brevard College is proud to offer a comprehensive education to students with a wide range of learning styles, including those who face special challenges in the learning process.

The Director of Student Accessibility and Disability Services will makes sure that you have access to a quality education by providing the reasonable accommodations required to succeed and grow.

Services for Individuals with Learning Differences

  • Receive individualized attention from the Director of Accessibility and Disability Services. 
    • Schedule an appointment as soon as possible so you can take advantage of the services early in the semester.
  • We work with students and faculty to develop individualized learning strategies and reasonable accommodations. Some examples of accommodations include:
    • Extended test time
    • Testing in a distraction-reduced setting
    • Use of a computer or assistive technology
    • Note-takers
    • Books in audio format or via screen reader

To be eligible for the office’s services and accommodations, you must provide documentation of a disability from an appropriate licensed professional.

Reasonable accommodations modify or adjust a course, program, or activity, and provide equal access to a range of services, equipment, and course alternatives.

Accessibility and Disability Services works with students and faculty to develop appropriate strategies and accommodations to meet a student’s disability-related needs for each term. 

For more specific information about documentation requirements, please contact the Director of Accessibility and Disability Services at


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