Vendor/ Campus Facility Usage Request

Register to Be a Vendor or use Campus Facilities

Brevard College embraces the local community and wants students to connect with local businesses and organizations as much as possible.  Brevard College offers folks who represent local businesses or services the opportunity to come on campus and share their offering with students.

Brevard also offer options for folks who would like to host events using our facilities and other indoor or outdoor spaces.

If this opportunity is right for your business,organization or event please complete the request form below and the Coordinator for Central Scheduling will be in touch with more information.


Fill out the form below to request your space!  Please read the policy for campus solicitation prior to completing your request form.

Business Information Application
**Food or beverages produced by an organization other than Brevard College cannot be sold or distributed at vendor tables without specific approval.
*Tables conducting sales will be subject to fees and limited to specific dates. **All for-profit businesses, corporations, enterprises, etc. must be registered to do business in North Carolina.
*Informational materials for ingestibles must be provided when distributing these items.
I hereby, acknowledge receipt of a copy of Brevard College Policy Postings and Solicitation on Campus and agree to abide by the provisions contained within the Regulation. I further acknowledge that my failure to abide by the applicable Regulation(s) or the failure of a representative of the business will result in the withdrawal of this permit at Brevard College.


College For Undergraduate Teaching


College in the South


Average Class Size