Recognition of
Lasting Greatness

Distinguished Gallery Nomination Form

The Brevard College Alumni Association Board has a long-standing tradition of awarding the Distinguished Alumni and Distinguished Faculty Awards. These awards are given to a select and noteworthy group of Brevard College alumni and faculty/ staff who make a significant difference in their community, profession, and the world. Members of the Gallery of Distinguished Alumni/Faculty bring honor and respect to Brevard College by living out its motto, “Learn in Order to Serve.” In preparation for the selection of these awards, the Alumni Board is requesting the input of all Alumni. Please fill out the following form.

Distinguished Gallery Nomination Form

Nominated By

Nominee Information

About the Alumnus

What activities did this person engage in while a student at Brevard College? How did this participation shape his/her professional career and how did they shape the College. Some examples include athletics participation, volunteer organizations, staff roles in college publications.
How has this person remained involved with the College after graduating? What contributions have they made, in time or treasure, to assist the students and alumni of the College?
What professional accomplishments show the nominee’s distinction among his/her peers? Some examples include business successes, political involvement, or publications of exceptional status.
How has the nominee been recognized for outstanding achievement? These can include personal and professional recognition of achievement.
How has the nominee personally been involved in local, state, and/or national affairs that made the world a better place? How has he/she lived out the College’s motto, “Learn In Order To Serve”?

About the Faculty/Staff Member

How did this faculty member exemplify great teaching in the experiential education model? How did they prepare students and future alumni to “Learn In Order To Serve”?
What non-teaching activities did this person engage in while serving at Brevard College? How did this participation shape his/her professional career and how did they shape the College? Some examples include involvement with student organizations, committee service, and service to the College as a whole.
What professional accomplishments show the nominee’s distinction among his/her peers? Some examples include professional distinctions, teaching recognitions, or publications of exceptional status.
How has the nominee been recognized for outstanding achievement? These can include personal and professional recognitions of achievement.
How has the nominee personally been involved in local, state, and/or national affairs that made the world a better place? How has he/she lived out the College’s motto, “Learn In Order To Serve”?


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