Post a job or internship here!
The Brevard College Office for Career Exploration and Development can assist you with employee recruitment and hiring.
We welcome the opportunity to connect you to Brevard College students and alumni, and are pleased to market your jobs and internships to our talented pool of applicants.
Job postings are free!
To list an internship or job opening, please follow the employer instructions on
All postings will go through an approval process by the Career Services staff before students and alumni can view them. Flyers to be posted around campus can be emailed to
Hire an Intern!
To earn academic credit, a student needs to establish learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are approved by the Students’ Academic Advisor and identified with the internship Site Supervisors. Additionally, a student must work 45 hours for every credit hour attempted, which is documented on a journal/internship log.
Sites decide this depending on their policies and the amount of work. Some sites pay hourly, while others for travel expenses or a stipend at the end of the internship. Some do not pay since it is for course credit. Every prospective intern is reminded that the "pay-off" is not reflected in the compensation but in the valuable experience gained by working in a professional environment as long as the internship meets the NACE definition of a legitimate internship.
- The experience must be an extension of the classroom: a learning experience that provides for applying the knowledge gained in the classroom. It must not be simply to advance the employer's operations or be the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
- The skills or knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings.
- The experience has a defined beginning and end and a job description with desired qualifications.
- There are clearly defined learning objectives/goals related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework.
- There is supervision by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience.
- There is routine feedback from the experienced supervisor.
- There are resources, equipment and facilities provided by the host employer that supports learning objectives/goals.
Terms offered:
Fall Semester: September-December
Spring Semester: January-May
Summer: June-August
Employers and Organizations can register for on-campus recruitment
- Monday - Friday
11:00 am- 1:30 pm
Myers Dining Hall Lobby - On-Campus Recruitment is your chance to get your name out to the Brevard College community. The Office for Career Exploration & Development takes care of advertising to the campus community. A recruitment table is available in the dining hall lobby, offering the most contact with students. In addition, you may also request a location to conduct individual interviews. To request a date for on-campus recruitment, please email
- The Office for Career Exploration & Development allows no solicitation or sale of goods or services. Companies requiring an employment-related fee from students or graduates are not eligible to recruit at Brevard College. The Office for Career Exploration & Development reserves the right to deny participation in events to companies who display unprofessional behavior, as determined by the Career Services staff.
- All job postings and position announcements cannot be displayed on campus without being approved by the Career Services Center.
- Employers cannot come onto campus to recruit Brevard College students and/or alumni without being approved by the Career Services Center.
We're here to help!
If we can help you make your business better by hiring a Brevard College graduate or intern, please contact Nacole Potts-Hardwick at or call 828.641.0325
BC Students
posses the skills and knowledge that employers want