Brevard College recently received a large estate gift from the late Marion Craig Nifong Clarke. The donation will be added to Clarke’s endowed scholarship for students.
Marion was a much-beloved woman at Brevard College, and one of the College’s longest serving members of the Board of Trustees. Clarke served as a College Trustee for 40 years, from May, 1965 until May, 2005. She never met a person for whom she didn’t like or have a genuine interest. She had a beautiful, happy smile and shared it with the world readily. Even when Clarke was physically unable to visit campus, she requested regular update visits from the President and others on campus, so she could stay apprised of the College’s progress.
Clarke’s estate gift will be added to her endowed scholarship, the Marion and George Craig Scholarship, which is named in memory of her parents.
In addition to her endowed scholarship, Clarke gave gifts to support many areas of campus.
“Education should be challenging and fun, and we hope that this gift will not only stimulate students’ interest in learning, but also help them enjoy the process,” Clarke said after giving a particularly significant gift to the Environmental Studies program.
“Marion was such a force,” said Susan Cothern, Vice President for Philanthropic Development. “She had such a presence to her; I can remember it as if she were in the room with me now. She was delightful, always flashing her beautiful smile, and she was very sharp. She had strong opinions and was always ready to share them and advocate for what she felt was best for the College. During her time as a Trustee, she served this college as well as our relationship with the Methodist Church, very well. She is greatly missed by those of us who worked closely with her.”
Brevard College could not continue to fulfill its mission without the private support of people like Marion Clarke. If you are interested in making a gift to Brevard College, please contact Susan Cothern, Vice President for Philanthropic Development, at 828.884.8218.