Brevard College faculty will read from their original works on April 12, at 7:30 p.m. in McLarty-Goodson Room 125 on the Brevard College campus. The Second Annual Working Writers’ Reading is free and open to the public.
Featured speakers include Mary Louise Bringle, Robert Cabin and Jennifer Frick-Ruppert reading from recently published or forthcoming works.
Bringle is a Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies whose scholarly work bridges the disciplines of theology and psychology in a contemporary approach to the seven deadly sins. In her newest book, “Envy: Exposing a Secret Sin,” she explores ways to avoid the dangers of envy by reminding us of the ancient cure for this disease of the soul: gratitude.
Cabin coordinates the College’s Environmental Studies major and Honor’s Program. He has written numerous articles on the challenges and opportunities associated with doing ecological restoration in the real world. He has authored two books on the subject, “Intelligent Tinkering: Bridging the Gap Between Science and Practice” and “Restoring Paradise: Rethinking and Rebuilding Nature in Hawai’i.”
Frick-Ruppert is the Dalton Professor of Biology and Environmental Science at BC and is the current chairperson for the Science and Math division. She has written several scientific articles, the most recent co-authored with her undergraduate students. In 2010, she published “Mountain Nature: A Seasonal Natural History of the Southern Appalachians” and in 2015, “Waterways: Sailing the Southeastern Coast.”