By Savannah Anderson, Managing Editor
The Clarion, Volume 88, Issue 20, February 24, 2023
Many students and faculty know, and love, Jamarcus Walker, Mr. BC, Homecoming King, tennis player, and soon to be, graduate. We know how much he means to Brevard College, but I found out how much Brevard means to him.
He was first drawn to Brevard when he was visiting for a basketball tournament. He said, “I saw the campus and then reached out to the tennis coach at the time. I knew towards the end of my senior year that I wanted to go here. “I’m a business major and a coaching minor. “I’m going to grad school to get a Masters in sports management, sports administration, or my Masters in Business Administration,” Jamarcus said. He has applied to Western Carolina University, the University of Tennessee, Kent State, and was already accepted to Virginia Commonwealth University.
His work study is in the Athletic Department and he gets to do a wide variety of activities. “My favorite thing to do is probably the stats for the basketball games,” he said. “I also like getting to do the scoreboard for soccer and baseball games, and I enjoy helping out during football season.”
He is the president of SAAC, Student Athlete Advisory Committee. “My job is to put on events for student athletes and also be their voice,” he said. “We have Pennies for a Purpose going on right now. You can find jars set up round campus for donations for the Boys and Girls Club for the rest of the semester.
“In January, I went to a convention with SAAC where we had discussions, voting on NCAA rules, and even went to the San Antonio Spurs game when they played at their old stadium.”
This was not Walker’s first time at an NCAA event. The first one he went to he got published all over the BC social media pages and officially was given the nickname, Mr. BC. Alongside with everything else, he is also the conference representative, meaning he represents all the schools in our conference.
So now we see a glimpse into all that Walker does for our campus, but what does he feel like he has gained from his time here? “Being at Brevard has given me more opportunities than I probably would have gotten anywhere else,” he said. “Being here has introduced me to so many different experiences all revolving around college athletics, which is what I want to eventually do as a career.”
As graduation approaches, he is preparing to say goodbye to his friends, colleagues, teachers, teammates, mentors, and the place he has spent his last four years at. As of course, all other seniors are. Happy Birthday, Jamarcus Walker. Wish him luck as our very own Mr. BC goes off and makes everyone who knows him proud with whatever he chooses next.