Registration Form and Lecture Schedule
ISIS and Climate Change are two of the complex topics speakers will address in Brevard College’s Great Decisions Lecture Series. The six talks are scheduled on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. February 3, 10, 17, 24 and March 2 and 9in McLarty-Goodson Room 125 on the Brevard College campus.
Great Decisions is a nationwide discussion program on world affairs founded in 1954 by the Foreign Policy Association. The group was based on the “Avon” model of face-to-face, active and informal conversation – participants would read a fact sheet on each of the topics before meetings, where they aired their respective views and opinions. FPA would tally up opinion ballots and report the results to the Department of State. Each year, eight topics are chosen by a panel of experts – this year’s issues range from United Nations reform to climate change and the rise of ISIS.
The series at Brevard College kicks off Wednesday, February 3, with Samer Traboulsi, associate professor of history at the University of North Carolina-Asheville. Traboulsi will be returning from an end-of-the-year visit to Beirut and will discuss Middle East Alliances. Stan Dotson, founder of In Our Elements, a leadership and curriculum development resource for churches and community organizations, will close out the series with a talk on Cuba. Dotson has spent the last two years teaching at the Matanzas Evangelical Theological Seminary in Cuba.
The fee to attend one lecture is $10 and $35 for all six. Contact Laura Rain Tree at Brevard College to preregister: 828.884.8251 or raintrlh@brevard.edu. Great Decisions Lecture Series booklets are available through the Foreign Policy Association website below.
- http://www.fpa.org/news/index.cfm?act=show_announcement&announcement_id=393
- http://www.fpa.org/great_decisions/?act=gd_materials&topic_year=2016
2016 Great Decisions Lecture Series at Brevard College
- February 3 – Middle East Alliances: Samer Traboulsi, Associate Professor of History, University of North Carolina-Asheville
- February 10 – Daesh/ISIL–ISIS Strategy: Major General Rick Devereaux, Director of Operational Planning, Policy and Strategy, United States Air Force
- February 17 – Climate Change Science: Tom Peterson, President of the Commission for Climatology Structure, World Meteorological Organization
- February 24 – The Koreas: Marc Mullinax, Associate Professor of Religion, Mars Hill University
- March 2 – Global Migration: Natalie Teague, Attorney, Teague Immigration Law Office
- March 9 – Cuba: Stan Dotson, Matanzas Evangelical Theological Seminary