Mentors, & Teachers

Faculty Spotlights & Academic Life at Brevard 

Brevard College professors are highly engaged in the classroom and within the wider academic community. Faculty are active scholars within their academic fields and are masters of making their highly-specialized knowledge accessible to the students.

New Academic Program announced: Teacher Licensure Program in Childhood Education

New Academic Program announced at Brevard College: Teacher Licensure Program in Childhood Education with an Early Childhood Concentration. Brevard College’s Teacher Education Program announced a new Teacher Licensure Area in…

Brevard College Senior Filmmaker Highlights Outdoor Adventures

Brevard College senior, Jessica Wiegandt from Daleville, VA, made a short film that speaks to the hearts of her fellow students, faculty, and staff. The film, “Back in Session,” was…

Brevard College’s New Technology Virtually Extends the Walls of Experiential Learning

Experiential education at Brevard College seeks to extend the classroom beyond walls. Now, students and faculty have an innovative new way to virtually extend the walls with the addition of…

Brevard College Students to Attend the Looking Glass Rock Writers’ Conference

Brevard College students Oscar Sifuentes (‘19) and Alexis Henley (‘20) will be participating in the 4th annual Looking Glass Rock Writers’ Conference. The four-day conference, held on the Brevard College…

New psychology professors Busche and O’Leary create program focused on research and community service

Even before their first day on the job, Drs. Allison O’Leary and Lisa Busche were brainstorming ideas for the Brevard College Psychology Department. At the top of their list were…

Brevard College presents Dr. Vance Reese, Faculty Organ Recital

Brevard College will present one of its many talented music professors, Dr. Vance Reese, in a faculty organ recital on Sunday, January 27 at 3 p.m. Dr. Reese will be…

Living the Mission: Brevard College Students Changing the World through Research

Brevard College’s mission, rooted in experiential learning, is on full display at Jones Library in the center of the Brevard College campus. Students studying various academic disciplines, primarily in math…

Brevard College Lucas Gomez Spends Summer Researching Marine Life

Lucas Gomez, Brevard College class of ‘21, Environmental Studies major and Wilderness Leadership Experiential Education major, spent the summer interning with Duke Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU). Gomez studied a…

Brevard College Decreases Price of Dual Enrollment by 97%

Brevard College decreased the cost of dual enrollment from $285 per credit hour to $25 per class starting for the Fall 2019 semester. This significant decrease will provide a greater…

Brevard College Student Travels Abroad to Pune, India

By: Carmen Boone, ‘20 Brevard College senior Luz Hernandez, an Integrated Studies Major in English and Psychology,  minoring in Gender Studies and Leadership, spent a semester abroad in Pune, India…