The Brevard College Theatre Program is proud to present their first production of the season, “The Diviners: A Play in Two Acts and Elegies,” By Jim Leonard, Jr. The production is directed by Brandon Smith and scheduled for Oct. 22-24 at 7:00 p.m. and Oct. 25 at 2:30 p.m. in The Porter Center for Performing Arts’ Morrison Playhouse at Brevard College.
“After the first reading, I remembered why it was so ubiquitously produced in my youth: the characters are immensely rich, the story feels familiar and true, and the themes of salvation and divine purpose provoke thought and introspection in the cast and the audience,” Smith said.
“The Diviners” focuses on a small town in Indiana called Zion. Set in the midst of the Great Depression, the play explores the nature of faith, trust, and what it means to truly be a steward to our fellow human. The town is full of people longing for something more. They all seek for something divine, but as the play unfolds, we learn that divine truth means something quite different to each of the characters in this poetic drama.
“Jim Leonard is a poet. He effortlessly combines theme and action into his plays and the characters seem to beg to be heard,” Smith said. “Every role in this play enriches the story, and bends the lens through which the audience sees the world.”
The play has a well-balanced cast of 12 actors. The cast includes Lily Bartleson, Zif Clark, Josh Goldstein, Caitlin Hefner, Hannah Leonard, John Pate, Garrett Rhodes, and Alex Webster – all of whom are familiar faces to the Brevard theatre community. This performance will also mark the Brevard College debut of actors Seth Bailey, Thomas Cox, Sarah Haga, and Kiara Jordan.
Recent BC graduate Blake Ellege will bring his musical talents to the production as the Sound Designer. Logan Taylor, a junior in the Theatre Program, has been collaborating with faculty and other students to create a highly narrative lighting design that will underscore the episodic action of the play.
Professors Andrea Boccanfuso and Drew Maciula have collaborated to design and construct a compelling set. Audiences can expect a partially raked platform stage that will be accented by flowing fabrics that juxtapose stark lines.
“I couldn’t be more excited to share this play with the Brevard Community,” Smith said. “I feel fortunate to work with such a great team of collaborators.”
Tickets are $5 and are available online at etix.com, Southern Comfort Records, in Brevard, or one hour before each show at the door. Get your tickets early. We only have 100 seats per performance!