Pianist Kwan Yi to Present Liszt Program
Brevard College Theatre Presents the World Premiere of Big Bad by Katherine Gwynn
Tornados Drop Home Conference Matchup
Brevard College Cheer Heading to UCA College Nationals for First Time in Program History
Two-Piano Concert to Open Spring Semester at Porter Center
Brevard College Announces Fall Semester Dean’s List and Honor Roll
Porcelli Represents Brevard College as 2024 Coaches Scholar Performer
Parkins and Tumicki Named CSC Volleyball Academic All-District
Bill Sizemore Named Brevard College Director of Pitching Development
Theatre presents A Christmas Carol: A One-Man Ghost Story
Brevard Welcomes Second Consecutive Record Enrollment
Exercise Physiology Speaker Presents “Exercise as Medicine”
Oct.3: Faculty Art Exhibition Reception
Brevard College Offers Test Optional Admission
American Political Economist Robert Reich to Speak on Campus Sept. 18
Sept.10: Ecology Professor Presents at Scientific Research Society
Sept.5: Tim Murray Art Exhibition Reception
New Residence Hall in the Works
Brevard College Professor Explores Educational Methods at England’s Oxford University
Alumni Authors Available at Campus Bookstore
The Student Newspaper
Serving Brevard College Since 1935
The Clarion has been the student newspaper at Brevard College since 1935. The student staff members are responsible for content, editing, advertising sales, and production and distribution of the newspaper on the Brevard College campus and throughout the surrounding community.
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The Clarion
Brevard College
1 Brevard College Dr.
Brevard, NC 28712