A Virtual Visit!

Explore Brevard College!

The best way to see if Brevard College is the perfect fit for you is to visit campus, in person. We're hosting in-person, on-campus visit opportunities, and we will keep you and your family safe.

This page will point out three of Brevard College's distinctions. In other words, what makes Brevard special?

You'll also find a virtual campus tour produced by an Admissions Counselor, who's a Brevard College graduate, and a current Brevard College student.

When you're comfortable, we'd love to show you around campus in person. Schedule your on-campus visit at the link below:

A Virtual Campus Tour

Distinction #1: Experiential Learning

Majors & Minors

Experiential Learning

Brevard Alumni

Distinction #2: Small Campus

Clubs & Organizations

Student Profile


Distinction #3: Location



The Land of Waterfalls

Admissions & Financial Aid

Apply for Admission

Scholarships &
Financial Aid

Schedule Your On-Campus Visit

Pay Your
Enrollment Fee

Tuition and Fees

Register for
your classes

Campus Map

Residence Halls

We're here to help!

Register for Scholarship Day on Saturday, February 12! Scholarship Day provides you with the opportunity to visit campus in person, take a campus tour, and interview for scholarships! Register today! Space is limited!

Please call 828.641.0641 or email admissions@brevard.edu and schedule your on-campus tour today!






College in the South for Undergradaute Teaching