In the words of Toni...
College was such an eye-opening experience for me. Meeting different people, experiencing new cultures and ways of life. BC helped me hone my public speaking style. This was critical, as I went on to get a Masters's degree in Museum Studies. I currently work as the Senior Registrar & Director of Collections at the National WWII Museum in New Orleans.
In the words of Stepheny...
Brevard College, and the History Department specifically, really set me on my current professional path. Communication skills, both written and oral, refined at Brevard have also been imperative to my work. I am currently on the Innovation and Learning Team at the Museum of Life and Science in Durham, North Carolina. In my role, I manage school and community programs with a focus on social justice and community organizing.
In the words of Matthew...
I am a Project Manager for Sentry Electrical Group doing electrical installation of new construction wind turbines. I started in wind in 2008, pretty early in the industry and then got with my current company in 2009 and moved up to site superintendent quickly. In 2020, I moved into the PM role, and I’ve done projects all over the country, and have now been to every state except for Alaska. Some of my favorite places have been Palm Springs, California, western Massachusetts, coastal Maine, and Walla Walla, Washington.
In the words of Jackson...
Of the skills I developed as a History major, the ability to critically examine sources and evidence is something I use on a daily basis as a law student. I am currently attending law school at the University of South Carolina. Prior to beginning law school, I worked as an 8th grade math teacher in Columbia, SC. Majoring in History provided me with a useful lens to help me understand the many complex perspectives and issues that we face in today’s world.
In the words of Kortney...
I loved my time at Brevard College. The History professors and Education professors changed the trajectory of my life. They made me believe that I had good ideas worth sharing with others. They continue to invest in my life now as an adult and they are some of my dearest mentors. After a few years as a high school Social Studies teacher, I got my MSW and began working as a school social worker. I work for inclusive education and support students with IEPs across multiple schools in our district. My job is to remove barriers for students, families, and teachers to help students access a good education.
In the words of Trey...
Currently, I am a 7th-grade ELA/Social Studies teacher at Rosman Middle School. I also have been working on a research project about the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute, 1981-1995. I was very well-prepared by Brevard College in pedagogy strategies, technology, and class management skills. I gained a wide range of historical content to learn, which has been useful because I have taught both World and US history. The research skills I developed at Brevard College have been beneficial as well. With all this said, the most impactful skill I learned at Brevard was to never stop learning and expanding one's horizons. I feel that has been ingrained in me for life.